Bianca von Kannen Fotografie
Proposal-Photoshooting Schloss Neuschwanstein

Heiratsantrag am Schloss Neuschwanstein in Schwangau, Füssen, Allgäu

Normally, when men inquire with me for a proposal-photoshoot, I recommend telling their girlfriend, that they booked a photoshoot.
This way, the proposal is still a surprise and the girlfriend is able to prepare accordingly, have nice make-up, wear clothes she likes, maybe have a little hair-do.

This time, when Bobby contacted me, I let myself into the experience of Kristele not knowing about me and the photoshoot.
I was so nervous and excited about the day, I hoped she wouldn’t notice me and that everything would work out, as we planned it in a Skype-call.

The day of the proposal, I was there ahead of time. Many people were at the location, it was a nice summer evening, and the spot is always a magnet for visitors from near and far.
Bobby and Kristele arrived in their rental car, I was acting as if I was photographing the building nearby, and Bobby led his wife-to-be onto the field.
They enjoyed the view for a few moments, then Bobby got down on one knee, I turned around and photographed the proposal.

After Kristele said yes, Bobby told her, that I was their photographer, I waved hello and Bobby put the ring on Kristeles finger.
The two of them took a few minutes to have a sip of water, look into the mirror and gather their thoughts, then the main part of the photoshoot started.

We used different locations with the castle Neuschwanstein, it was so much fun to work with them.
Next we drove to a location closer to the castle and took more couple pictures with mountains, beautiful light and happy emotions.

Kristele and Bobby were on a “South of Germany”-roundtrip, so we had the picture presentation, when they were back home in Canada.
I’m so happy that they liked their pictures so much!

I wish you all the best for your future together, a happy and healthy marriage and an unforgettable wedding!

YOU want to propose in Füssen, Schwangau, in the Allgäu nature surrounding castle Neuschwanstein?
Get in touch with me and let me know all about your vision, so that I can soon photograph YOUR special day with your significant other.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Bianca von Kannen
Über die Autorin:

Lasst uns unser gemeinsames Abenteuer starten - egal ob Paarshooting, Freundeskreis, Familie oder Clique. Locker, ungezwungen und abenteuerlustig, genau so, wie ihr auch sonst seid. Ich freue mich, euch dabei mit meiner Kamera zu begleiten und diese echten, ungestellten Momente festzuhalten.

Telefon: +49 8367 913 2992

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